The National Trust wanted to display a facsimile of Fox Talbot's The Pencil of Nature (one of the first books ever to be photographically illustrated) as part of a new redisplay. Ugly Studios were commissioned to deliver a digital version of the book.
We designed a touch-screen interactive that would give the feeling of using the book, whilst also making the content more accessible. Visitors would be able to 'turn' the pages to explore the original text and images. The touch-screen would be able to reset itself for other visitors to 'open' the book from the beginning. A slideshow and an index of the photographs would give a modern twist and show the ground-breaking pictures off to full advantage.
Since 2013, the touch-screen has been on display in the Fox Talbot Museum at Lacock Abbey. It has been on all day, every day, as part of the museum's permanent exhibition, and has been completely reliable since its installation.