Norfolk County Council commissioned interpretation for a 26 mile long country path that follows the course of two old railway lines. The route has a diverse range of users and is full of wildlife, public art and railway history.
We created a distinctive visual style to work across a guide book and seventeen graphic panels. Online there is a website and social media profiles. Three wind-up sound boxes play recordings of trains under old bridges.
On publication the booklet flew off the shelves. Norfolk County Council had great feedback and commissioned more panels in a similar style for another site. The Facebook page and Flickr group have continued to pick up new likes, photos and comments.
What we did
Interpretive Signage
Graphic Design
Social Media and Marketing
Interpretive Planning
Project Management
Ugly Studios really took this project to their hearts; their commitment, enthusiasm and attention to detail was evident from day one and continued throughout the project.
Andy Williams, Countryside Access Officer, Norfolk County Council