‘We Are Northampton’ Exhibition Opens
Northampton Museum and Art Gallery has opened its doors to the public again after a £6.7 Million building project that originally started in 2017.

As part of the launch, Ugly Studios designed the first temporary exhibition in their new temporary gallery. Titled We Are Northampton, it is a celebration of the town and its people showcasing newly commissioned portraits and objects from the extensive museum collection.

Originally scheduled to open in 2020, like many projects, it was put on hold by Covid restrictions. We are really excited that the public have now had a chance to get in and see it, and the museum is getting a hugely positive response.

As well as objects and portraits the exhibition features physical interactives – both large and small – and a multi-player, interactive quiz.

The interactive quiz is a Covid safe as you can get. Visitors can log onto it using their own mobile phones and play it together, whilst remaining completely socially distanced. It’s proving a big hit with the public, especially as it features the classic 1980s pop song Energy in Northampton.
We Are Northampton is on until January 2022, so there is still time to go and see it, and to enjoy the fantastic new cafe and gallery spaces at the new-look Northampton Museum and Art Gallery while you are there.